Much like the Grand Canyon, scale is hard to capture in an image.
Link to the comic itself. Section 60: Arlington National Cemetery. National Geographic: Section 60. What it means to be a USMC Body Bearer.
Here in Our America
What will you do?
Links. The five best poetry slams with a message.
RSA - Changing Education Paradigms
Changing Education Paradigms. How do we learn? What happens as kids grow up? There is one answer and it is in the back.
Link. Full YouTube Link.
RSA - Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us
How to engage employees that are in jobs that require more than rudimentary cognitive skill. Mechanical skill vs Cognitive skill.
Purpose or carrot and stick?
Link. Full YouTube Link.
RSA - How To Help Every Child Fulfil Their Potential
Mindsets. Praise. Self Esteem. Praising turns kids into fixed mindsets.
Link. Full YouTube Link.
The Real Reason Hospitals Are So Expensive
Fake costs at hospitals. Adam Ruins Everything - The Real Reason Hospitals Are So Expensive
Link. Full YouTube Link.
Why Are American Health Care Costs So High?
Healthcare Issues and Ideas. Healthcare costs and why is the US so expensive?
Link. Full YouTube Link.