
Kevin Smith on Death from Joe Rogan Experience

Play it with passion. One life, you die at the end. We hope for candyland. But it could be as simple as get in a box and stay there for eternity. You had your shot, you’re a computer, we shut you down and you’re finished. Regardless of the reality of candyland, if this is our one shot on Earth; it really behooves you to always shoot for your dreams every time.

Steve Jobs Stanford Commencement Address

3 Stories 1. Connecting the dots He took a calligraphy class at Reed College. 10 years later it all came back to him and used that knowledge in the Mac. It’s impossible to connect the dots looking forward. You have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. If you simply do enough things and show curiosity with the ability to learn, eventually they’ll fit together in some fashion.

Alan Watts - Acceptance of Death

Now there really isn’t anything radically wrong with being sick or with dying. Who said you’re supposed to survive? Who gave you the idea that it’s a gas to go on and on and on? And we can’t say that it’s a good thing for everything to go on living. In a very simple demonstration that if we enable everybody to go on living, we overcrowd ourselves. Why else would we have children?