
Cooking Item: Poached Egg Cups

Bought these during one of Amazon’s Cyber Monday deals. They work good for me and can be used in an Instant Pot too. However, I stopped using the Instant Pot with them, because it is hard to dial in the doneness and it is way overkill to use a pressure cooking poached eggs anyways. Now, with the whole egg still in the shell pressure cookers are great for soft and hard boiled eggs.

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Cooking Item: Vacuum Sealer

Great for sous vide Makes buying in bulk from Costco better and of course sous vide was my primary driver for getting one.

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Pressure / Smoking Item: Claws

Claws to shred meat easily These things are great. I used a blender a couple of times to make shredded chicken (you can Google it), but it makes a mess. Little pieces always shot all over the place. These are fast and easy to clean.

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Pressure Cooking Item: Extra Pot

Extra Pot Having an extra pot can greatly speed up the pressure cooking of multiple items for the same meal. I can even rationalize the need for having two Instant Pots!

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